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The Giant Panda

The giant panda (scientific name ailuropoda melanoleuca) is a subspecies of bear that mainly inhabits the bamboo forests located high in the mountains of southwestern China. It can grow to be more than 4 feet tall, and it can weigh between 220 and 330 pounds. Its diet consists almost entirely of bamboo, which it must eat between 26 and 84 pounds of a day. This is why it has enlarged wrist bones that it can use as opposable thumbs. It is also skilled at climbing trees.

The giant panda is the rarest subspecies of bear, as evidence by the fact that it is classified as a Vulnerable species. It is this close to becoming extinct for two reasons. The first reason is that it is purposely killed by poachers for its fur and accidently killed by hunters seeking other species that also inhabit its habitat. Because of this, one of the World Wildlife Fund's (WWF's) efforts to save it consists of working towards and advocating for anti-poaching patrols. The second reason is that its habitat is increasingly being fragmented and destroyed by road and railroad construction. Because of this, another one of the WWF's efforts to save it consists of creating green corridors to reconnect the various fragments of its habitat and increasing the amount of its habitat that is considered "protected". All of this is being done because it plays a crucial role in the continued health of its habitat, as it spreads seeds throughout its habitat that facilitates the growth of vegetation there. This, in turn, increases the quality of life for the people who inhabit the areas around its habitat.

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