The Dugong
The dugong (commonly known as the "sea cow"; scientific name dugong dugon) is a species that inhabits the shallow coastal waters of the Coral Triangle and Coastal East Africa. It grows almost 10 feet long, and it weighs more than 800 pounds. Like its close relative the manatee, it has a plump body. However, unlike the manatee, it has a fluke-like tail, and it spends all its time in saltwater sources. Its diet consists entirely of sea grasses.
The dugong is classified as a Vulnerable species. It is this close to becoming extinct for three reasons. The first reason is that it often gets entangled in fishing nets. The second reason is that its habitat is being polluted by industrial activities. The third reason is that its only food source is being destroyed by coastal development. Because of this, the World Wildlife Fund's (WWF's) effort to save it consists of making the conservation of its habitat one of their priorities. This is being done because is has become an important source of income for the tourism industry around its habitat.
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