The Bornean Orangutan
The Bornean Orangutan (scientific name pongo pygmaeus) is a subspecies of orangutan that inhabits the swamp forests, tropical forests, mountain forests, and lowland rainforests of Borneo, an island located in Southeast Asia. It can grow between 3.3 and 4.6 feet tall, and it can weigh between 66 and 220 pounds. It has a broader face, shorter beard, and slightly darker coat color than its close relative the Sumatran orangutan. It has three recognized subspecies: the Northwest Bornean orangutan (which is the smallest population wise of the three), the Northeast Bornean orangutan (which is the smallest size wise of the three), and the Central Bornean orangutan (which is the largest population wise of the three). Each of these three subspecies inhabit the part of Borneo that their name suggests.
The Bornean orangutan is classified as a Critically Endangered species. It is this close to becoming extinct for two reasons. The first reason is that many of its young are captured to be sold, as they are very valuable in the illegal pet trade. This drastically reduces the sizes of its wild populations, as it has an extremely low reproductive rate. Because of this, one of the World Wildlife Fund's (WWF's) efforts to save it consists of helping governments enforce laws that prohibit the capture and trade of it. This is being done by strengthening the capacity of rangers to identify, customs officers to investigate, and prosecutors to prosecute any crimes that break these laws. The second reason is that its habitat has been greatly reduced by unsustainable, and often illegal, mining, logging, and forest-to-farmland conversion. Because of this, another one of the WWF's efforts to save it consists of working with governments, local communities, plantation owners, and the indigenous Dayak people to develop methods of plantation management that will not affect it. This is being done by ensuring that farmlands are developed as far away from its habitat as possible. This is also being done by establishing ecotourism that will support the conservation of it. All of this is being done because it plays a critical role in the dispersal of seeds throughout its habitat, which keeps its habitat healthy.
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