The Indus River Dolphin
The Indus river dolphin (scientific name platanista minor) is a subspecies of river dolphin that inhabits the waters of the Indus River....
The Indochinese Tiger
The Indochinese tiger (scientific name panthera tigris corbetti) is a subspecies of tiger that inhabits the dry forests and the tropical...
The Indian Elephant
The Indian elephant (scientific name elephas maximus indicus) is a subspecies of Asian elephant that inhabits the grasslands, dry...
The Humphead Wrasse
The humphead wrasse (scientific name cheilinus undulates) is a subspecies of live reef fish that inhabits the coral reefs of the Coral...
Hector's Dolphin
Hector's dolphin (scientific name cephalorhynchus hectori) is a subspecies of marine dolphin that inhabits the shallow waters of North...
The Green Turtle
The green turtle (scientific name chelonia mydas) is a subspecies of sea turtle that mainly inhabits the tropical and subtropical waters...
The Ganges River Dolphin
The Ganges river dolphin (scientific name platanista gangetica gangetica) is a subspecies of dolphin that inhabits the freshwater rivers...
The Galapagos Penguin
The Galapagos penguin (scientific name spheniscus mendiculus) is a subspecies of penguin that inhabits the waters of the Galapagos. It is...
The Fin Whale
The fin whale (scientific name balaenoptera physalus) is a subspecies of baleen whale that inhabits the waters of the Arctic, the Coral...
The Chimpanzee
The chimpanzee (also known as the chimp for short; scientific name pan trogoldytes) is a species that inhabits the dry and moist forests...